Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast. By David Archer.
An excellent primer for those who are new to the topic of climate change. Presents the processes of climate change and climate stability, summarizes the scientific evidence, and discusses the economic and political issues related to global warming.
Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises. National Research Council
This book summarizes the state of our knowledge about potential abrupt climate changes that have or likely to occur and the potential affects to the physical climate system, natural systems, and human systems.
The Two-Mile Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change, and Our Future. By Richard B. Alley
Dr Alley tells the fascinating history of global climate changes as revealed by reading the annual rings of ice from cores drilled in Greenland. He explains what is needed in order to understand and perhaps overcome climate changes in the future.
Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy, By Hal Harvey
The author addresses the latest research and analysis around low carbon energy solutions and provides a roadmap for understanding which countries, sectors, and sources produce the greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions and give readers the tools to select and design efficient policies for each of these sectors.
The West Without Water: What Past Floods, Droughts, and Other Climatic Clues Tell Us about Tomorrow, By B. Lynn Ingram and Frances Malamud-Roam,
The West without Water documents the tumultuous climate of the American West over twenty millennia, with tales of past droughts and deluges and predictions about the impacts of future climate change on water resources
Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience. By the World Bank. (Available free as a download through open access)
This report focuses on the risks of climate change to development in Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and South Asia examining the likely impacts of present day, 2°C and 4°C warming on agricultural production, water resources, and coastal vulnerability for affected populations.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
A series of comprehensive , detailed, scientific assessment reports developed by the UN about knowledge on climate change, its causes, potential impacts and response options.
The Age of Consequences (Video)
This video investigates the impact of climate change on increased resource scarcity, human migration and conflict through the lens of U.S. national security and global stability.
Six Degrees Could Change the World. National Geographic (Video)
With no mitigation implemented Earths average temperature could rise as high as six degrees Celsius by the year 2100. This video presents scenarios for each degree rise for such a consequence.
Brave New Arctic: The Untold Story of the Melting North. By Mark Serreze.
Written from a personal perspective and as Director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Dr Serreze describes the recent history of Arctic research, following a trail of scientific breadcrumbs from the late 1970s to the present day to show how our understanding of the region’s response to climate and climate change has evolved over time and how it impacts the rest of the world.
A Farewell to Ice: A Report From The Arctic. By Peter Wadhams.
Dr, Wadhams assesses the melting sea ice and the Greenland ice sheet and what their disappearance will mean: warming the Arctic region faster than the rest of the planet, causing thawing of the permafrost (releasing large quantities of greenhouse gases) and adding to global warming.
The Fate of Greenland: Lessons from Abrupt Climate Change. By Philip Conkling and others.
The Authors documents Greenland's warming with dramatic color photographs and investigates episodes in Greenland's climate history for clues about what happens when climate change is abrupt rather than gradual.
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People. By Philippus Wester. Also available free as a download through open access.
This book comprises important scientific research on the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainable mountain development and will serve as a basis for evidence-based decision-making to safeguard the environment and advance people’s well-being. It addresses the 10 major river basins with origins in the Hindu Kush and Himalyan mountains and how current and future climate change impacts water availability, food production, hydro power production for approximately 2 Billion (25% of the world's population) living in this region.
Arctic Report Card: Update for 2019 (NOAA) Video
The Arctic marine ecosystem and the communities that depend upon it continue to experience unprecedented changes as a result of warming air temperatures, declining sea ice, and warming waters.
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